Pistachio Ice Cream

Tea type
Green Tea
Not available
Butter, Cream, Nutty, Roasted Nuts, Vanilla, Vegetal, Creamy, Sweet, Green, Nuts, Grass, Salt, Seaweed, Wheat, Roast Nuts, Vegetable Broth, Butternut Squash, Spinach
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Edit tea info Last updated by Tea Pet
Average preparation
180 °F / 82 °C 2 min, 45 sec 10 oz / 301 ml

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From Butiki Teas

Pistachio Ice Cream has an Organic Mao Jian base with generous amounts of roasted pistachios and a dash of lotus stamens. The sweet roasted pistachio flavor is immediately noticed followed by prominent notes of heavy cream. Light notes of vanilla can also be distinguished. Add some sugar to turn this smooth full-bodied tea into a dessert treat that resembles pistachio ice cream.

Ingredients: Organic Green Tea, Pistachios (roasted, unsalted), Lotus Stamens, Natural Flavoring (vegan)

Recommended Brew Time: 2 minutes 30 seconds
Recommended Amount: 1 level teaspoon of tea for 8oz of water
Recommended Temperature: 180 F

For more information, please visit: http://www.butikiteas.com

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203 Tasting Notes

6117 tasting notes

So, my memory tells me that I wasn’t particularly enamoured with this tea the first couple times, which were from a sample from Azzrian. However, I received some as part of a Butiki sampler quite a while back, and hadn’t actually tried it from my own batch. So here we are!

I opened the baggie to a… delicious aroma of creamy pistachios?! What? I don’t remember this aroma! How exciting!

For whatever reason, this tea is definitely working far better for me today! I admit that I probably overleafed my cup (maybe 2 tsp to 8oz. water or so?), but I’m getting a nutty pistachio flavour, creaminess, cardamom??, and a lightly seaweedy sort of green tea. This is certainly not what I remember from my previous attempts! The creaminess and green tea leave a lovely aftertaste in the mouth, as well. The only negative is that I feel like I’m tasting a hint of licorice/anise in there that I’m not liking. I’ll have to try this with sweetener someday to see if I can really bring out the “ice cream” flavour, because as it stands, this is more of a creamy nut tea with seaweedy undertones.

I don’t think I’ll ever be quite the fan of this tea that some people appear to be, but it’s much better than I originally gave it credit for. I suspect it perhaps was a tea that suffered for whatever reason by being packaged up as a sample (too much exposure to air, cross-contamination, etc.) Rating bump!

ETA: A re-steep with less water and the same parameters yields a pretty tasty cup as well, although with reduced seaweedy green tea flavours. (Bonus, it withstands sitting cold for 24h too!)

180 °F / 82 °C 2 min, 30 sec
Invader Zim

I got a sample of this from someone and couldn’t get it to work in my favor. I’m glad you at least got it to work for you even if you don’t love it as much as others seem to.


I am wondering if it doesn’t hold flavour well when packaged up for swaps…

Invader Zim

That’s quite possible.

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807 tasting notes

Just enjoying a fine cup of Pistachio Ice Cream here! LOL if I told my family or a friend that they would say Huhhhhhh?
So very yummy! I think that having let it sit a bit has made the flavors meld more as this is better than the first two times I had it!
There is something to say for revisiting teas that have sit a while!
I am raising the rating on this one due to it being even more delicious than before!

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806 tasting notes

Well I don’t have to be anywhere for a few days (school starts on the 6th) so I have lots of time to enjoy tea :D


enjoy you free time with tea, Helena :-)

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16899 tasting notes

Made some of this last night with milk to sip at whilst chain breeding on Pokemon. Initially I didn’t think this would be something I’d want to keep around because I wasn’t super impressed with my first few cups, but it’s really grown on me (especially now that I know to slightly overleaf). I may change my mind and add it to my list of things to reorder…

I’m increasing my rating.


Nice! Are you shiny hunting?

Roswell Strange

Absolutely! Right now I’m on the hunt to add a shiny male and female Meowstic to my collection, nicknamed after lead characters in the Ibsen play Hedda Gabler. I have nine shinies so far, but none from chain breeding (all from in game encounters) – this is my first time using the Masudo method.


Have you tried Pistachio Cream? If not I will toss it into our future order.

Roswell Strange

I had it once – the first thing I had in my timolino (as a tea to go). It was horribly oversteeped (like, half an hour) because that was before they replaced the broken brew basket and it had sunk to the bottom and couldn’t be removed so it steeped the whole bus right home, lol. It was pretty good, though despite that.


Augh, that is so awesome. I’ve never had the patience to properly shiny hunt. That’s an impressive sized collection! Much respect, hehe!

Roswell Strange

I can’t take all the credit – one is the in game shiny Gyarados, and two were gifts from my brother (for various reasons), so I suppose only six of them were actually found by me. My Butterfree and Mightyena are my pride and joy, though! I’m not sure how I feel about chain breeding, though – but thankfully I have lots of spare time right now.


@Roswell Strange – I will toss a bit more into our next swap so you can try it again. I find this and that tea similar but personally I prefer the other (though I know I am the minority in that opinion)


I have no idea what chain breeding is. I haven’t really played since blue/red came out! Although I do have… diamond? But haven’t gotten very far.

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15555 tasting notes

FAKE SIPDOWN! YAAAAY! I relaly should call this ode to Raritea or something lol Inspired by her love for this tea, I pulled out my package of this tea again. I’ve only had one previous cup of this and didn’t love it to death back then but figured i’d check it again in case something had changed.

So officially? This tastes like pistachio and cream….in that it might as well be ice cream. Secondly? I don’t like pistachio ice cream lol but i don’t mind this tea. Why did i buy this from Stacy? because i’m a fan boi and that’s what we do…try everything! No, in all seriousness i wanted to see how i enjoyed this and while i had tried the sample, it wasn’t enough for me to really tell. So i picked up a small package.

Overall? This is still a really tasty tea…but i don’t love this in the way that Raritea does, so this one has her name on it now. You just have to come pick it up! :)


I can’t wait! Thank you so much!


You’ve inspired me to dig mine out this evening :)

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1792 tasting notes

I brought this to the lab in my Timolino, and topped it off with some half-and-half cream and honey. I find that you have to be really careful with the base lest it leans towards the bitter side. It’s a little vegetal too.

But I really like it with the additives, especially with the honey, which creates baklava-in-a-cup before my very eyes.

By the way, anyone watch MasterChef? I know it’s rigged, but last night’s elimination was utterly despicable.


flipdesk I know! I didn’t want them to go home.


I feel like this year it is so much more about the drama than it is about the talent. I have watched every season, but am now getting bored.


Oooo pistachio ice cream…


It’s obvious that even the last winners were predetermined, either at the beginning of the auditions, or during the eliminations, but wow, don’t know if I’ll bother after the season is over. It’s clear they chose Luca from the get go. The producers are definitely trying to capture as much drama as possible.

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2816 tasting notes

This is a sipdown for me – I’ve probably had this tea for too long so it’s lost some of the freshness but it still tastes pretty good to me, and is good with a bit of almond milk. I don’t think it will be part of my permanent rotation but I’ve enjoyed it. Finishing it off gave me some motivation to place another order with Butiki- hee hee.

185 °F / 85 °C 3 min, 30 sec

Oh man… craving this now! I haven’t seen it in a while so will have to see whether I can locate it… fingers crossed!


Good luck!

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639 tasting notes

I’m giving this tea another shot! Pistachio is an interesting thing to add to a tea…I don’t think I’d have come up with that on my own. Very creative, Stacy!

Well, here goes nothing! The green tea base is very grassy, which I was afraid of at first. That’s not my favorite flavor. But you know what? Pistachio and grassy green tea go well together! Of course, Stacy already knew this, but I’m a recent convert. ;)

This is a wonderful flavored sencha, just not my favorite. The flavoring is subtle and light and not very complex. Don’t get me wrong, it’s still delicious! This is a much better experience than the first time I tried it. Freshness makes all the difference with this tea.

Still though, I’m getting nothing in the way of ice cream here. There’s no milkiness, creaminess, or sweetness to speak of. It’s pretty much a nutty, grassy tea. So it’s not bad, it’s just false advertising. Raising the rating from 50 to 72. I used 2.5 teaspoons in 8 ounces of water and drank it straight with no additions. Second steep for 4 minutes is virtually flavorless. This tea seems to have only one good infusion in it.

180 °F / 82 °C 2 min, 30 sec
Butiki Teas

I find natural cream flavorings are a little bit more difficult for certain people to taste, especially in certain teas. This tea actually has more cream & vanilla flavoring than pistachio. I recommend trying 1 level teaspoon of tea (since 2.5 teaspoons will add a heavy tea flavor) and either drinking the tea on the warm side or adding a little bit of brown crystal sugar or sugar in the raw if you are up to experimenting a little. This seems to be a love it or hate it tea and we have found that in general men tend to enjoy it more than woman.

Butiki Teas

Sorry it’s “women” not “woman”.


so I’m a man regarding this tea :)

Butiki Teas

Ysaurella-In general, yes. Hahaha, but that makes me a man too.


I’ll keep experimenting with it. I tend to like heavier teas, so this one might just be a little subtle for my tastes.

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871 tasting notes

No real tea review here.

I overleafed this one just a little bit because I was at the end of my sample and there wasn’t enough for two cups but a bit too much for one cup. There was also quite a bit of leaf dust, being the end of the package. I shoulder have steeped for less time due to this but forgot so it is a bit bitter. Still drinkable but not as enjoyable as it could be.

So I had plans today, tea plans. And nothing gets in between me and my tea plans. Except a water main break which will have my water shut off for 5-6 hours. cries.

I can’t even be too upset about it. I was at home and saw all the city trucks driving down my street, then a man came to my door and told me I have 15-20 minutes before my water gets shut off for minimum of 5-6 hours. So I got all flustered. I filled up the bathtub and sinks, and all my pots and pitchers and cups with water (just in case). I was in the middle of laundry but the washer was on the last rinse so that had time to finish.

In my flusteredness I filled my kettle up to the top with sink water, instead of the filtered water I normally use. So I went to make a cup of tea and had to boil the entire 1.7L kettle of tap water. My tap water is not even bad, but I usually use filtered water for the kettle, so it tastes different.

And how do you clean your tea implements? Well you can’t really. I wasn’t planning on doing the teas with multiple steeps today, but I guess that is what my plans are now :(

And don’t even get me started on the toilet situation.

I shouldn’t complain though. At least I was home and had a chance to prepare. My neighbours with kids aged 4 and 1 are not even home, so they are going to get a surprise when they get home for supper.



shoot, darn water ruining your tea plans!

Roswell Strange

I feel your pain. My landlord shut off out water completely for over two days, and we only had about an hour of notice. It was a rough two days with limited tea drinking. I went through a lot of lattes…


Ugh, nooo.


Hopefully they’ll have the water back on soon!


That’s horrible!

Terri HarpLady

What a bummer! Hang in there, & hopefully the water will be back on soon, with NO complications.


Thanks everyone! The water came back on about 5 and a half hours later. I greatly overestimated the amount of water I would used during that time. So now I have a whole lot of water sitting everywhere that I don’t want to waste. It was a good lesson. (Although I think in the back of my mind I was worried I would be without water for days).

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652 tasting notes

I’m bumping this rating way up as I’ve had it a few times lately and realized I’m in love.

That’s why my reviews have been sparse, I’ve been drinking things I already reviewed, no sense adding something unless there’s something to add!

….so there’s something to add. This is really good. I might even like it more than the Maple Pecan Oolong and mayyyybe more than the Creamy Eggnog but saying that is almost blasphemous for me.

It’s buttery and nutty and creamy and sweet but not fake and not sickening and just delicious.

I found Butiki’s teas a bit too subtle when I first began this journey but I’ve come full circle because they’re really the perfect balance between good quality tea leaves that you can actually taste (therefore they actually contribute to the overall deliciousness of the tea), and subtle, complimentary flavoring that never feels synthetic or out of place.

Team Butiki all the way… Stacy is the (wo) man!!

(on an unrelated note, while writing numerous reviews on my iPhone on my breaks at work I have somehow managed to accidentally unfollow a few people, one misguided tap on the screen is all it takes, apparently. Come on with the mobile version, Steepster! You’re killin me! Sorry guys. It was not intentional. But you probably didn’t even notice :))

Aimee Popovacki

I wish I liked this one more.. i’m going to try it again I think because from all the reviews, I should totally love it lol


You totally should :)


I’m trying this for the first time right now and I quite like it.


Yay! It’s so gooood

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