Potato Pancakes & Applesauce (Holiday Series: Hanukkah)

Tea type
Green Tea
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Apple, Cinnamon, Bread, Butter, Flowers, Toasty, Potato, Nutmeg
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Average preparation
180 °F / 82 °C 4 min, 0 sec 5 g 14 oz / 406 ml

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92 Tasting Notes View all

  • “So… 2nd infusion, here, but first a PS to the first infusion… When it got cold it really does taste like applesauce and it’s terrific! Tasting Notes for 2nd infusion… I’m not going to lie…I stole a...” Read full tasting note
  • “Hanukkah tea for the eighth night of Hanukkah! Actually, I’ve been drinking it all holiday, but I was waiting to reach my 200th note to post about it. This tea was my 100th tasting note, too, so...” Read full tasting note
  • “I almost didn’t get any of this in our West Coast group order because I thought it would be a little too weird for me, then opted for a bit, then what happened, it made sense to get more to make it...” Read full tasting note
  • “1oz sipdown! This tea is a creative novelty, which is another way for me to say that I don’t quite grasp the full concept of this cup. It’s probably the potatoes. I understand the spiced apple...” Read full tasting note

From Butiki Teas

Our Potato Pancakes & Applesauce tea pairs our buttery Organic Huangshan Mao Feng with generous potato pieces and crisp apple chips. Plain, this tea is thick with potato notes up front followed by apple and cinnamon notes with some buttery notes that peak through at the end. As the tea is repeatedly sipped the buttery quality will become more apparent. The weighty body adds to both the potato and applesauce feel. Since this tea is on the lighter side, we recommend drinking this tea at a warmer temperature. For stronger potato notes we recommend adding a very small amount of salt; however, this may diminish the applesauce notes. For a sweeter applesauce, we recommend adding a tiny bit of sugar; however, this may reduce the potato notes.

Ingredients: Organic Huangshan Mao Feng, Freeze-Dried Potatoes, Organic Saigon Cinnamon, Organic Cinnamon Apple Chips (Organic Apple, Organic Cinnamon), Natural Organic Flavoring (vegan)

Recommended Brew Time: 4 minutes
Recommended Amount: 1 tablespoon of tea for 8oz of water
Recommended Temperature: 180 F

For more info, please visit: www.butikiteas.com

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92 Tasting Notes

6768 tasting notes

2nd infusion, here, but first a PS to the first infusion…
When it got cold it really does taste like applesauce and it’s terrific!

Tasting Notes for 2nd infusion…
I’m not going to lie…I stole a potato! NomNom!

The aroma is still present and pleasing.

The taste and texture is incredibly clean. I can taste a very clean plain potato flavor now. On the end sip I can taste the apple. It’s more of a Potato and Apple and not as much as Potato Pancake and Applesauce, per say, but it’s still impressive and flavorful and unique!

Overall, tho, 2nd infusion, the major difference is less apple – more potato – certainly more Comfort Food like…like Mashed Potatoes…no butter.

Neat! Just…NEAT!


sounds SO delish. I want it…. Agh!!! more tea?!


mmmmmmm you will be mine..oh yes you will…

Autistic Goblin

It sounds super yummy :D


I need to try this..


Must have!


Sounds great!I used to love this combo!Clever Stacy!

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1308 tasting notes

Hanukkah tea for the eighth night of Hanukkah! Actually, I’ve been drinking it all holiday, but I was waiting to reach my 200th note to post about it. This tea was my 100th tasting note, too, so you can tell it’s really something special.

I have had so much trouble getting away from the apple-cinnamon aspect of this. I do love that flavor, but I’ve been wanting to tease out the brothy flavor too. Adding salt somehow wasn’t doing the trick. Finally I just added salt right into the steeper while I was brewing and boy howdy did that do it. Potato-y, savory goodness. Of course now that I’ve succeeded in my effort and thoroughly enjoyed a brothy cup, I want a sweet one! Mmm, with sufganiyot (fried jelly donuts). Yup, that’s totally what I’m having next.

Happy Hanukkah!

Lariel of Lórien

I want to try that on so much.


Tasty tea… happy Hanukkah!


Lariel – I meant it when I offered to send you a bit. Just PM me your address!

Stephanie – thank you!

Lariel of Lórien

Thank you! I think you need to follow me first. ;)


=0) happy hannukha. did you make some latkes?


Thanks. Even better – I got other people to make them and all I had to do was eat. Being a terrible cook has its benefits :)


LOLOLOLOLOLOL. that is even better!

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1792 tasting notes

I almost didn’t get any of this in our West Coast group order because I thought it would be a little too weird for me, then opted for a bit, then what happened, it made sense to get more to make it all work out? Whatever happened, I’m so glad I got even more than originally intended, because this tea is a freak. A freak like me. And it’s awesome.

The scent of the dry leaf is so warm and comforting. That cinnamon is gorgeously rich. I tried a potato chunk and it’s tasty, even after you steep the tea.

But the most magical thing about it is the taste of the tea itself. Texturally, it’s actually thicker, like what I’d imagine potato water would be like. I know that sounds semi-disgusting, but it’s wholesome and carb-y. And again, that cinnamon is divine. Truly like cinnamon dusted applesauce.

I brought this to my morning seminar today and while one of my classmates was presenting an article, I kept sipping on this and thinking, “This is SO COOL.” So warning, this tea may distract you a little bit.

Stacy, you’re insane. Insanely awesome.


I haven’t tried mine yet, but maybe I will soon. Wanted to save for Hanukkah.

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1445 tasting notes

1oz sipdown! This tea is a creative novelty, which is another way for me to say that I don’t quite grasp the full concept of this cup. It’s probably the potatoes. I understand the spiced apple (which is delicious), and the pairing with the very smooth green base that I have yet to try on its own (next order). Then there are potatoes, whose presence in the blend is much akin to rainbow unicorns dancing a waltz in your kitchen (with potatoes).

I like how you can tinker with this cup to get different notes out of it. Add salt for delicious potato pancakes (that was yummy), drink right away or with sugar to get apples, eat potatoes and forget about rest of tea, etc. I think my best cup of this was when I forgot about it for an hour- I could taste all of the ingredients in that session. This blend is a lot of fun and I enjoyed scooping my big servings out. I’ll miss its funky presence and comforting applesauce flavours.

180 °F / 82 °C 4 min, 0 sec

What a crazy combination! I love it.


I have it on the spreadsheet to try!


I just received my order with this. I love it!

Terri HarpLady

Hmmmm….the idea of this one hasn’t really appealed to me, but I guess I’ll have to try it on my ‘next’ butiki order…


terri – it’s acually a beautiful apple cinnamon tea imo. I kind of ignored the potato aspect of it since they almost add a heaviness to the tea or something.. i can’t describe it very well


Yeah, the potatoes don’t impact the flavour of the tea in an obvious manner. It’s more like a starchy, filled out apple cinnamon tea. This is probably one of my favourite apple blends. :)

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2291 tasting notes

Yet another delicious tea I had been too scared to try!

My variable temperature kettle is rocking my socks. I can see how there is appeal for one you can choose your own temps for, but this works for me. For now. Muahah.. ahem.

Anyways. This tea is so weird. And good! But weird. It smells like cinnamon and syrup, but when steeped the potato flavour totally comes out. It makes the tea taste starchy, and makes it feel a little thicker. I took a sip, and immediately decided to add some brown sugar to bring out the syrup flavours more.

So good.

If possible, I might even get more the next time I do an order. It’s a green tea, but it’s THAT good!

Edit: Just tried it with salt. Oh, WOW that’s a different kind of yummy.

175 °F / 79 °C 4 min, 0 sec
Butiki Teas

Hahaha. A little fyi, it is also good with salt. It will bring out the potato-y-ness. I’ve also used this tea as a base for a sort of soup. I added noodles to the tea and they were delicious.


Ooo, I bet it would be good with rice and roasted pumpkin as well.

Butiki Teas

Oooh, good idea. I might try adding some wild rice.


I mostly use my green teas for making ochazuke, but hadn’t thought about using a flavoured one. :)

Butiki Teas

Had to look that up. Sounds great! I wouldn’t add any fish cause of the whole vegan thing but definitely seems like something I would like to make.


I LOVE simmered kabocha squash and fresh spinach in it. The squash recipes might have bonito or dashi in them, but you can omit and maybe use a little kombu for the umami and salt. When I know I have a horrid week ahead I’ll make up the ingredients and keep them in the fridge, so I only have to make tea and add it. :)

Butiki Teas

Ooh nice! Sounds super comforting and easy!


I like this one too, but I admit I have been too scared to try it with salt.


It’s really neat! I added a bit much I think, but just a pinch in the second steep is a good way to try. Or pour out a shot glass so you don’t ‘waste’ any if you don’t like it. :)

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1501 tasting notes

What a beautiful, unusual tea!

I’ve got two tea gift bags and a swap package sitting next to me, so whatever it is I’m smelling is delicious – and likely something other than the tea I’m drinking. ;)

Huge green leaves, chunks of what look like potato and something else? are in this blend. Steeped, it was a very, very light color, which surprised me – I actually opened up the Breville to make sure the tea had steeped properly. It did.

I can taste the tea foremost (lovely!), the applesauce, and something very latke-ish. It’s comforting, sweet and full, like biting into a potato almost, although I find there’s little taste there the few times I have eaten a raw potato, so it’s more the mouthfeel I’m comparing it to than anything. I added sweetener only because I’m a huge applesauce fan, and because we used to make our latkes like they were applesauce with latkes instead of the other way around.

Interesting note, of only semi-relation to the tea: I was raised with little to no religious instruction or guidance. I knew there was a story there, however my parents both passed before I really was able to get any sort of fleshed out details, and asking the family members left was… puzzling and, well, met with negative reactions. We celebrated Christmas and Easter, occasionally went to midnight mass (my Dad was Italian Catholic, my Mom, Dutch), and then for a few years we attended these amazing get-togethers at what I think was UBC’s Museum of Anthropology, where we made dreidels, ate latkes and listened to people sing in Hebrew. It was magical and a whole lot of fun.

Fast forward to a few years ago when I’m in Seattle attending film school, and I meet a Jewish man that I end up writing a rom-com with. It’s Friday night Shabbat, and as he joins me in the ceremony, I start crying. Quietly. I realize, in that moment, I am Jewish, and that this is something I’ve done many times before, yet had zero idea why, or even when. I kept quiet, wiped my tears, and went on with the evening.

Later, I received confirmation that yes, my Mother’s mother was Jewish and therefore I am as well. Long story short, a great uncle of mine along with my grandfather, published Mein Kampf in Dutch to avert the authorities from realizing they were Jewish. I have a cousin in her 80s in Amsterdam who still runs the bookstore and art shop where this all went down. I should note that this all occurred before my Mom was born – the beauty of having a family so large there’s a generation that divides them.

Anyway. This tea is an emotional one for me, for many of the reasons listed above. I am thankful to all of you who chose to read this novel of a tealog, to Stacy for making it, and for the opportunity to share these details (for the first time in public) here. Chag Sameach!

180 °F / 82 °C 4 min, 0 sec

i have a jewish step family. it is important to note that judaism is one of the few religions where you can be a non believer and still be a member: a jew is a jew, regardless of belief. a rare thing. my step father always reveled in ‘jewish pork chop wednesdays’ lol, and griped as he helped us haul up the christmas tree… just like every year he would wince as we muddled the hebrew words of the channukah prayers…. we tried hard!

happy channukha MissB. Ba-ruch A-tah Ado-nai E-lo-he-nu Me-lech Ha-olam she-heche-ya-nu ve-ki-yi-ma-nu ve-higi-a-nu liz-man ha-zeh.


Thanks for sharing such and intimate and personal experience and memory. Interfaith families can flesh out to be really interesting but also confusing experiences. I have friends who have Hindu/ Muslim, and Sikh/Catholic as well as other various backgrounds. My family with a few exceptions has fallen out of faith which is kind of sad considering my G. grandfather was a Presbyterian minister, but I do understand the value of spirituality and have felt incredible energy and had incredible experiences in spiritual places and sharing in the rites of others. Most of the time, I kind of feel like a spiritual refugee. The faiths of my ancestors have been lost to time and I haven’t really found a form of spirituality that I connect completely with. Even my older Christian relatives used to go to different denomination churches every week when I visited them. I’m glad that you were able to find such an intimate connection to your faith and heritage. Enjoy this holiday season!


yyz…. has anyone told you today that you are awesome?


More tears, the good kind. Thank you both. :)


what a lovely review :) I have a sample of this tea and I should have it tomorrow


Awww! MissB , you have me all choked up and full of chills…The irony that they had to print that awful book. I had to read it many years ago for a school project and I wished I could just forget about its madness.
What an incredible and inspiring story. You’re a very good writer, such a heartfelt story. thanks for sharing :-)

Butiki Teas

Thank you for sharing that! :)




Thank you all. :) When I was researching my heritage, I heard a story from a relatively famous rabbi who said, “Mein Kampf was the best book ever written.” Puzzled, the interviewer asked why he would ever say such a thing. I’m paraphrasing, however he responded something along the lines of, “Many a Jew kept this book in their home during the war, and that’s why I, and others like me, are/still alive.” So I too am grateful for the book, even if it’s an unusual take on the subject.


have you ever seen Europa, Europa? It’s a movie from the early to mid 80’s I think, but along similar veins. It’s a true story about how a teenage Jewish boy survives the second world war among the Nazi’s. His attempts at fleeing result in him being adopted by a German army unit, and he ends up having to play along in order to survive. It’s a movie I think you might appreciate, as I always find that it is also a message about how we can still find humanity and kindness among other even in very dark times.


Your story made me cry. Beautiful note


Thank you boychik. I mean, crying is a good thing in this case, right? :) Also, thanks for the suggestion yyz!


Amazing that you made such a discovery and bad that jews were prosecuted for many centures. i ordered Run boy run for my daughter last summer. turned out i was a reader, she said its too sad for her. i will make sure she reads it but dont want any pressure.


Made me tear up, but that’s ok. smiles It’s hard for many people to contemplate the idea of doing distastful or outrightly awful things in the name of survival.

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16967 tasting notes

Sipdown (198/202)!

Thanks Kittenna for the sample. Sadly, I’m using it all up for this mug – I would have liked to play around a little with the whole ‘sugar and salt bringing out different flavours’ thing. It seems weird to me to add salt to tea; I mean, I don’t add salt to anything, and I never sweeten my tea either so I just made this cup plain.

This is one of those teas that you just have to try because of the concept. It’s pretty weird, at least in my opinion (though nothing like Bacon tea). It definitely solicited an interesting response from my friend who was over the other day when I said “Potato Pancake” tea.

So steeped up (with nothing added) I think this tastes pretty amazing! I’ve actually had apple sauce and potato pancakes before, though only once, made by my Grandma. We don’t celebrate Hanukkah or anything, but she made them for us anyway. It was a while ago – when I was in elementary school, but I remember shredding apples for her with a cheese grater, and loving them because they were sweet enough I didn’t have to add syrup or anything to them. I feel the same way about this blend; it perfectly captures what it claims to, and I think it’s really well balanced and doesn’t really need to be swayed more to one side.

Although it’d still be interesting to try it with salt added because that’s still a weird concept to me.

I’m also happy because, to me, it doesn’t taste green. Yay!

I’m going to add this to my shopping list as well, for when I finally finish off some of the Butiki teas I have that I don’t plan on keeping around (also for when I have money). Maybe I wouldn’t want a full pouch of it, but as a sample or something to drink very occasionally or as a treat – because this was good!

Flavors: Potato

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 15 sec 3 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

Adding salt?! Bizarre. I also never add things to my tea. :)


Well, never sweeten, or add milk/cream.

Roswell Strange

I add milk, but not often – and typically never as a first cup (unless it’s matcha). I also sometimes add club soda – but again, not for a first cup.


Club soda is an interesting addition. What teas do you add that to?


Roswell Strange, have you ever had a Monk’s Blend tea soda?!? I think that would be tasty. Also, apparently I have Monk’s Blend on the brain :P

Roswell Strange

Lately, I add it to matcha for matcha soda – but also fruit blends. I haven’t tried a Monk’s Blend soda yet, though.


Nuts! i’m sorry; I should have given you more, because I’m not a big fan, and I had more. I usually give enough for two normal-sized cups.


Neat! I’ll have to remember that. I’m always looking for ways to mix it up with matcha.


It is so neat if you add a tiny pinch of salt, or a somewhat larger pinch of sugar. It changes the tea so much. :)

Roswell Strange

@Kittenna No worries! 1 cup was more than enough (I got a good resteep too) – especially if I hadn’t liked it. I’m super skeptical of greens.


Adding salt is a good idea. When I added some maple syrup it didn’t do it for me. Maybe I’ll like it savory. Maybe I can send it your way. Let me know


i send you pm

Sami Kelsh

I’ll add a pinch of salt to a hot chocolate, so this isn’t a totally crazy concept to me. (Though the idea of a latkes and applesauce tea is a bit; I’m very intrigued, and also I really wish I had some potatoes in the house to make actual latkes now!)

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1764 tasting notes

Holy smokes this is incredible. Thanks SIL for the sample!!!
I can really taste the pancake in here. Just like an apple sauce pancake. I am highly impressed. Will def order some for myself at one point.



oh, can’t wait to try mine!!! working my way through samples first =0)


Go for it! I put it off for so long cuz I wasn’t sure what to expect. Now I regret waiting


This one is truly festive for me. I drink it as a nice comforting broth, it truly is a mix of sweet and savoury, isn,t it? And I was so sure to hate it, but it turned out to be one if my favourites from Butiki.


I know right? I thought I’d hate it too but I ended up in love :P


I have been very hesitant to try this one, but maybe I should just say what the heck and try it already!


Depending on what you add to this tea a little sugar or pinch of salt you could have 2 versions of latkes. I like it salted


Tigress, go for it! It’s worth it :)


Boychick, ha! I hadn’t thought about that! Will have to try it salted when I finally order some

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180 tasting notes

I’ve been hitting the cold brew hard lately. Lots of tropical, sweet, or fruity-flavored teas.
But I wanted a little break this afternoon, so I decided to go with an old favorite. It didn’t disappoint. I’ve written quite a few tasting notes on this one, and I love it just as much now as when I first tried it.

180 °F / 82 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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1271 tasting notes

I had another run with this tea, adding a big picture review on my blog http://oolongowl.wordpress.com/2013/01/16/potato-pancakes-applesauce-tea-butiki-teas-tea-review/

The tea is nice, light and apple saucy! I really dig potato in this tea – soo cute!
/pinches cutie potato cube cheeks
I gotta say, Butiki teas has some really photogenic teas!

180 °F / 82 °C 4 min, 0 sec

I believe this is one of the funkiest flavor ideas I’ve read yet—sounds like fun!


OolongOwl….I like that….love owls!


Enjoyed the review! :)

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