Watermelon Xylophone

Tea type
White Tea
Not available
Hay, Melon, Sweet, Grain, Honey, Cream, Flowers
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Edit tea info Last updated by Tea Pet
Average preparation
180 °F / 82 °C 4 min, 30 sec 13 oz / 376 ml

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150 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Bubble Bath Tea #1 – Yum Yum!! I say that I’m not a big fan of flavored teas, & in particular I mean artificially flavored teas. Sometimes I have wierd reactions to them, like my lips &...” Read full tasting note
  • “having a couple of my “green” teas before i switch to some of the caffeine free options i have tonight. Not because caffeine bothers me but because i feel compelled to also drink those up. I just...” Read full tasting note
  • “Well this got oversteeped a bit. While I was steeping this tea the following things happened: my husband’s jiujitsu buddy came over to train. the mailman with tea packages a friend of the husband’s...” Read full tasting note
  • “Yet another attempt to get back on the tea-drinking, tea-reviewing bandwagon! I’m making a valiant effort to get through some of my older teas, particularly those not in resealable packages, and...” Read full tasting note

From Butiki Teas

This delicate tea pairs our lovely Organic Silver Needle with vibrant amaranth petals and a natural watermelon flavor. We highly recommend drinking this tea warm or with sugar to bring out the natural watermelon flavor. At a high temperature the flavor is not as strong. At a warm temperature, this tea is light and refreshing and starts out with floral and honey notes that quickly develop into juicy watermelon notes that linger. Add a little sugar and the tea bursts with a natural juiciness that tastes like fresh watermelon juice and finishes with floral and honey notes. This batch of Watermelon Xylophone is offered at a reduced rate, since we will be using a new Organic Silver Needle that is more expensive for future batches. For information on how we named this tea, check out our blog: http://butikiteas.blogspot.com/2012/08/behind-name-watermelon-xylophone-edition.html

Ingredients: Organic Silver Needle, Amaranth, Organic Watermelon Natural Flavoring

Recommended Brew Time: 4 minutes 30 seconds
Recommended Amount: 2 teaspoons of tea for 8oz of water
Recommended Temperature: 185 F

For more information, please visit: http://www.butikiteas.com

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150 Tasting Notes

3294 tasting notes

Bubble Bath Tea #1 – Yum Yum!!

I say that I’m not a big fan of flavored teas, & in particular I mean artificially flavored teas. Sometimes I have wierd reactions to them, like my lips & tastebuds puffing up a little. It doesn’t usually last a long time, but it’s wierd & unpleasant.

Even teas with ‘natural flavoring’ can be suspect, because you never REALLY know what is in them, & I have a lot of allergies.

This tea is delicious. I have no problems with it at all (or with anything I’ve gotten from Butiki so far), & although I don’t drink it often, when I do I’m in love. And usually in the bubble bath.


Yay! Enjoy your bubble bath teas!

Butiki Teas

justorganictea-Can you follow me back so I can send you a message?

Just Organic Tea

Just did – thanks.


justorganic – it might be worth posting that in the discussion threads or sending PM’s to ppl outside of their tasting notes :)


Just Organic – Could you follow me back as well? Thank you!

Just Organic Tea

@Sil – thank you. I feel like a moron – I did not realize this was going into the tasting notes. I thought I was sending a PM directly to the reviewer.


haha no problem :) We’re a friendly sort here but wouldn’t want anyone to get upset with you trying to get some folks to review your teas!

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15596 tasting notes

having a couple of my “green” teas before i switch to some of the caffeine free options i have tonight. Not because caffeine bothers me but because i feel compelled to also drink those up. I just finished looking at my cupboard list/spreadsheet and it turns out that i’ve tried 1600 teas! (well that i’ve logged anyway). I like even numbers… I’m also having a great night because the snow has been falling all afternoon and it’s fluffy and beautiful outside tonight! And i might just work from home tomorrow…so that’s always a good tea time! I’m seriously itching to place an order but i am TRYING to hold back. It’s hard….i want more cacao…and some verdant staples…and mandala…and damn fine tea and new companies… sigh resistance IS futile…but maybe i can manage to hold out for one more week to get me into late march! Especially since not having samples (though some are inbound in swaps) has me able to focus on my older teas! Only 14 teas left before i’m within 6 months of my oldest tea…i won’t make it for the end of March i don’t think…but it’s always a possibility :)

Oh the games i play with myself to encourage me to do this, that or another thing and have fun doing it!

Sami Kelsh

I’m so confused by all the math involved here, but HOLY CRUD 1600 teas. I’m just going to sit here in quiet awe.



It is fun, though! I’ve never actually counted how many teas I have including samples, and I shudder to think of the number! and omg at 1600…that’s insane!!


Oh and LOL at a rating of 85 but “not recommended” hehe.


Sami – no math on that, steepster tells me when i look at my tea ratings haha


keychange – i started a spreadhseet most just so i could keep track of my older teas. And when my teas come in, i toss the month on the bag so i can see it when it’s in my cupboard too


(steepster being weird..it also set this to 100 and not recommended…)

Sami Kelsh

I have 76 teas, unless I’m forgetting some, which I probably am. And I nearly ordered another five today. Whoops.

Oh yeah, I was slightly confused by the rating/recommendation combo, too ;)

And to be fair, I keep a spreadsheet for all my blends, to keep track of flavour profiles and tasting notes and caffeine levels and tea types and all that good stuff. And it really is fun.


That’s impressive! I have teas that are over 1.5 years old.


You spreadsheeters are so organized!


swedish chef…well when you drink crazy amounts of tea, as everyone seems to think i do…it’s easy to keep rotating through things :)


Oh yeah, totally! I think if I’d be more into swapping, hence breaking up and divvying out the stuff I buy faster, that would aid in rotation too. Instead, I have a tin of H&S SoHo just sitting there sloooowly disappearing since the fall before haha.


swapping can be stupidly addictive! so much fun.


i love swapping… giggling

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1271 tasting notes

Well this got oversteeped a bit. While I was steeping this tea the following things happened:
my husband’s jiujitsu buddy came over to train.
the mailman with tea packages
a friend of the husband’s came over to drop off something, we chatted a bit about his work.

So I have no idea how long this got steeped for, 15 minutes? Surprisingly, the flavor is still fine, maybe not as delicate watermelon, with more white tea potency. Now bitterness though, phew. The other day I was sampling a white tea for a blog review, and I’m finding some whites are a little more durable than I previously thought.

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6119 tasting notes

Yet another attempt to get back on the tea-drinking, tea-reviewing bandwagon!

I’m making a valiant effort to get through some of my older teas, particularly those not in resealable packages, and lucky(?) for me, Butiki teas fall into that category! So I’ve been neglecting swap samples and having Butikis instead. Bad.

Anyways, despite being a bit elderly, this tea is still great. Delicate and melony and quite delicious. I’ve said before that I prefer Cantaloupe & Cream because of the creaminess, and that still holds, but this one’s still quite a treat :) A couple cups left to savour before I’m out!

180 °F / 82 °C 2 min, 30 sec

Cantaloupe and cream is the best!


I know! Butiki fangirl forever!


I hear so much about these – gotta pick them up one day!


Yay – glad you’re back!


I think this is the fourth or so time I’ve been "back"… let’s see if it sticks this time! Of course, that may also mean I start buying tea, and that would be ridiculous…


Well you could always start by selling off some of your tea? We’ve got a fairly active thread for that.

Then you could justify more? Hahaha


Hi!! :)

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1308 tasting notes

It’s my birthday! Whee!

I am very much one of those people who make a big deal out of birthdays. I decided to ring this one in with something light and sweet and summery to distract me from the cold. This tea tastes like optimism tonight.

Next up is some Butiki Lavender Chamomile to lull me gently to sleep…


Happy You Day! Hope it’s spectacular and brings a year full of joy and abundance.


happy birthday… they are wonderful things. hope the year is outstanding =0)


Happy birthday! Hope you had a nice relaxing day :)


Happy Birthday! Always good to celebrate!


Happy birthday! Hope it’s a good one :)


Happy Birthday!!


Happy birthday!


Happy birthday!!

Butiki Teas

I hope you had a wonderful Birthday! I’m the same way, its really important to make a big deal out of birthdays. :)


Happy Birthday! :)

Rachel Leah

Happy birthday!!


Thanks for the good wishes, everyone!

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16975 tasting notes

Abstract thought, but I’ve been craving a tea with a really strong petrichor kind of flavour as of late. If anyone has any recommendations for something sort of like that I’d be stoked to hear them!

So, I don’t think I’ve really talked about it much or even at all in tasting notes but this weekend I went up to Regina to celebrate an early Christmas with my brother, Dad and Step Mom. We exchanged gifts, went to Cirque De Soleil as part of our Christmas present, and I did some tea shopping! It was really fun and I’ll kind of break things down a little in the next few tasting notes but it was a much needed mini vacation from work, and it was cool going back to Regina even if only briefly. I wish I’d had another day there to try and meet up with Regina Tea Friends, and maybe go to a movie at the theatre I used to work at.

But before all that, we had to drive from my house to Regina. And this was the cold brew that I picked out to sip on for the drive there. It’s not new to me, so no surprises here: just good, authentic and lush watermelon over a beautiful silver needle base. Glad I stocked up on this one! My first Butiki love…


Cold brew, huh? I need to try that.


Petrichor is the scent of rain on dry earth, or the scent of dust after rain. Yes I’m admitting that I had to look it up. ;))
I’m voting for a light sheng. IMHO pu’erh has a bit of an earthiness to them – subterranean is a word I like. GREAT pu’erh has that clean damp forest after a rain thing going on. I’m assuming that would count. So that’s my vote. A really nice light earthy sheng (I think shou wouldn’t quite be what you are looking for – but I could be wrong…)

Roswell Strange

Petrichor is my favourite smell, ever ;) But will keep that in mind Dex!

carol who

Thanks for defining petrichor… I bet we all did a search on that as soon as we read it. ;-0 Roswell Strange you get the prize for Word of the Day! :D


The puerh I got from SOKO kinda has that, but also has a mushroom/dirt going on. I call it “wet forest”. :)


I drank this one on Sunday too :)

Roswell Strange

Technically I had this on Saturday ;)

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470 tasting notes

I am so behind on my tasting notes it’s almost embarrassing. I have like 10+ to log that I’ve totally neglected! I’ve had a lot of work-related stuff to do the past few weeks, including dealing with NYCC’s ridiculously elaborate press registration. Why do I need to fill out a 5 page form and FAX it? Is it 1990 and no one told me?! Seriously, who faxes anything anymore. But I got my badge, so now that’s all taken care of I need to catch up on tea!

This tea is magical. I think Stacy is some sort of tea fairy who just sprinkles stuff with magic dust and voila, it’s perfect! You see, this is a VERY watermelon-y tea. In the bag it smells like candy. Not Jolly Rancher watermelon, but pure tasty watermelon. When it’s brewed (cold steeped in this case) it’s an almost crystal-clear liquid that smells SO strongly of watermelon it’s amazing! And the taste, wow. It’s SO natural watermelon! And really strong! But, at the same time it’s not overly strong at all. In fact, while it’s very watermelon-y there’s just as much if not more of the delicious white base going on. It’s like… watermelon juice and white tea together in harmony.

I don’t think I am properly describing it, but it’s like… the most natural, perfect flavoring in the world. You’d never know it was actually flavored at all it tastes so natural! Like the tea leaves just grew and tasted like watermelon. My dad, who is wary of fruity-flavored teas, even loved this one! He mentioned it the other day, so I think I might get him some of this for Christmas. It’s just… perfection!


Sounds luscious, can’t wait to try it. I have to look up cold steeping. I’ve only ever brewed a tea normally, let it cool, then added ice to it. It worked out fine (pretty great, actually), but I ended up steeping the tea for like 12 hours, and I don’t have the patience to do that all the time.


I usually cold steep while I’m sleeping: put it in the fridge a few hours before bed, wake up and voila! Cold brewing is done! When I do them during the afternoon/evening it’s usually a strong black that I know can cold brew in about 4 hours, mostly because I get very impatient and want my tea right away!

Terri HarpLady

Alphakitty, thanks for reminding me that I still have some of this delicious tea left! It really is tasty, & for someone like me (not a big fan of most flavored teas), it’s a real treat!


Must Try this one!


Must try this one!


I do the same as you. I cold brew overnight. Are you only supposed to cold brew black tea for four hours?


No, I cold brew blacks overnight too BUT you can get a really decent cold brew out of a strong one in a pretty short amount of time.


Do you use the same tea-to-water ratio as you do for normal/hot brewing? I’ve read that more tea is used when making iced tea, just curious what you folks do.


I do. I thought you were only supposed to use more tea if you are going to immediately put it on ice since it dilutes it.


Thanks, Rachel, good to know. =)

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836 tasting notes

Increased the leaf to water ratio to 1 tablespoon for 281 ml.
There is more creaminess at this concentration.

185 °F / 85 °C 4 min, 30 sec

If you ordered this, can I steal a sample? I haven’t yet picked up a sample of this from stacy


This was the last of my sample that Stacy sent me from my order. Sorry :(
I highly recommend trying it though- definitely something to request with our next order!


not a problem. I knew you’d gotten a bunch of samples so i wasnt sure if this was an order or sample. It’s not like i won’t be ordering again from stacy :)


Sarah – I have some of this, you’re welcome to a sample.


Ooh! Ok!

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1792 tasting notes

About time I get down to Watermelon Xylophone. I felt like something light and airy and figured this would be a good choice. The dry leaf smells quite similar to Cantaloupe and Cream, although from memory, understandably, Cantaloupe and Cream has a creamier aspect to it.

The taste is actually quite similar, too. It’s not a definite watermelon, not artificial either, but very similar to the Cantaloupe and Cream. The melon here is crisper. I’m sure this would make an awesome cold brew, but that would be quite expensive.

It’s beautiful but I think I prefer the Cantaloupe and Cream since it has more going on. But I’ll gladly enjoy the rest of the smaller amount I got with our West Coast group order!

On an unrelated note, I have Abba’s Dancing Queen in my head and I have no idea why. Maybe Watermelon Xylophone sparks happy tunage.


Same here…very much like C&C, and I prefer C&C to this.


Have you tried either of them iced/cold brewed?


I really like Watermelon Xylophone iced. Haven’t cold brewed it yet.


Um, iced…no, I don’t think, but I think I did C&C cold brewed, but like it better hot, surprisingly.

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408 tasting notes

I ordered this one for a blind taste :) with my last Butiki order.
I had no idea how it was but it was a lucky blind taste. I love it really much : it’s so perfumed , wonderful.
I’d love to know why it is called xylophone…because for sure I know why it is called watermelon ! it’s so watermelony :)the aroma is just fantastic, like a fresh and really mature watermelon.

Surprising idea of a watermelon tea.
People who don’t like tea often say it’s just hot water…watermelon is a very refreshing fruit full of water (more than others !) let me tell you dear tea haters that Stacy managed to blend a mathematical tea…water+water = a wonderful tea !so you can begin to drink tea now, no more excuses, convert yourselves to the God Watermelon Xylophone !

180 °F / 82 °C 4 min, 15 sec

thanks Stacy ! nothing better like 2 hours car brainstorming finally :)

Butiki Teas

2 hour car ride brainstorming sessions are the best! I really love road trips.


I was wondering that myself recently!! good to know :) (also on my Butiki future purchases list!)


Except now I have the Mario 2 theme in my head…… wahhh

Terri HarpLady

As soon as I finish my Butiki sipdown, I get to order more of this wonderful tea. I’m only sorry that the sample I sent you never arrived, :(
It never was returned either, so somewhere, someone is enjoying some really tasty tea samples. Lucky them.

Butiki Teas

whatshesaid-Hahaha but that is kind of awesome. How can you possibly have a bad day with that in your head?

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